Starknet support is in beta stage. Here is a quick start guide to set up a processor for Starknet.

Initial project

You can create a new project with the following command:

npx @sentio/cli@latest create [your-project-name] -c starknet

Navigate to the project directory, where you should find the following files:

├── package.json
├── sentio.yaml
├── src
│    ├── processor.test.ts
│    └── processor.ts
└── tsconfig.json

Install the dependencies:

yarn install

Setup contract address

Add the contract address in sentio.yaml file:

project: your-project-name
  - name: <ContractName>  # (optional)
    address: <contract address>  # Starknet contract address
    chain: starknet_sepolia # Chain name, starknet_mainnet or starknet_sepolia

Please use the deployed address of the contract, not the class hash.

Including the contract name is optional but recommended, as it assists in naming the types during code generation..

Retrieve the ABI and Generate Types

Run the following command to retrieve the ABI and generate the types:

yarn sentio build

The abi will be saved in abis/starknet directory and the types will be generated in src/types/starknet.

├── abis
│	└── starknet
│	    └── sepolia
│	        └── VoteContract-0x00cf88f7ecf1bf36e9262333879e2937611cd81758db64a169776a2710464391.json
├── package.json
├── sentio.yaml
├── src
│	├── processor.test.ts
│	├── processor.ts
│	├── schema
│	└── types
│	    ├── aptos
│	    ├── eth
│	    ├── fuel
│	    ├── solana
│	    ├── starknet
│	    │	├── VoteContract-processor.ts
│	    │	└── tabi.ts
│	    └── sui
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock


Start your processor by importing the generated code and binding the processor to the contract address. You should find onXXX methods if the contract has events.

import { VoteContractProcessor } from "./types/starknet/VoteContract-processor.js"

.onVoteEvent(async (event, ctx) => {
    // your processor logic

The ctx object has a getContract method to get the contract instance. You can use it to call the contract's view functions.

    .onVoteEvent(async (event, ctx) => {
        const votes = await ctx.getContract().get_votes()