Upload Compilation
There are two ways to upload a compilation for the use of #override-contract.
Upload Via UI
Navigate to Contracts -> Compilations, and then click "Upload Compilation"
 (1) (1).png)
Then you could choose a json file that existed in your hardhat artifact directory. e.g. ./artifacts/build-info/c8ebc50e7bb836cebb977bb299387552.json
, then you can choose which contract listed there should be uploaded.
Via Hardhat Plugin
We also provide a hardhat plugin for more seamless integration with your contract development workflow. You can find our plugin in GitHub.
To get started, add dependencies in your hardhat project.
yarn add -D @sentio/cli @sentio/hardhat-sentio
The login with sentio cli.
npx sentio login
Import sentio plugin and specify the project in hardhat.config.ts
import "@sentio/hardhat-sentio"
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
sentio: {
# optional, if omit, the verification is globally avaliable
project: "<user|org>/<project_name>"
Upload and verify contracts with CLI.
npx hardhat sentio:upload Contract1,Contract2
npx hardhat sentio:verify --contract Contract2 --address 0xF03441E04F1f602e8Eb3ab80735a79880CA05AE6 --chain 137
Updated about 2 months ago