π Dashboard
Use the query editor to customize the graph displayed on the Metrics Explorer page.
You can specify the time frame in the top right corner of the page. The default is Past 3 Months.
Metrics that are not reported in the last 24 hours do not appear in the query editor. You can manually add these metrics to your graphs by entering the metric name or full query.
Chart Types
There are 5 types of charts
You can select them on the UI

Line, Bars, Areas
These 3 are very similar. The only difference is the visual. They still represent a time series.
Bar Gauge, Query Value, Table, Pie
These 4 reduce One time series to One single number. Using this option below:

Selecting Time Range
There are generally 2 ways to select time range. One is using Time picker

The other approach is to directly select from the graph. You can use standard browser forward/backward controls to adjust the selected range.

Define a filtering scope with the from text box by selecting or searching for tag values. For example, you can use the from text box to filter metric values from a specific address, contract or any other custom labels defined in the processor.
Build Metrics Dashboard
To better visualize and compute metrics, you can build dashboards using the metrics collected.
This is following the metrics submitted by monitor-coinbase-cbeth-mint-burn-via-events
Here is one example where we have a dashboard showing the Mint Activity - 24 Hours Aggregation:
Here we take a metric and apply a rollup function to perform 24 hours sum aggregation. For more about the formula and functions, refer to aggregation-functions-and-formulas
Build Event Analytics Dashboard
Following monitor-pancake-swap-ifo-deposit, we could build a dashboard to show Daily Active Users.

This requires that events were submitted with #distinct-id.
Updated 5 days ago