
Write Test

When you create a processor through the command line, it will automatically generate a basic jest test for you.

  test('has valid config', async () => {
    const config = await service.getConfig({})
    expect(config.contractConfigs.length > 0).toBeTruthy()

It simply starts the processor and checks if there is any basic error that failed the processor declaration.

To check the logic of your handler function, we can use testLog , testBlock, testTrace , to send events to your processor. In the code we generated for your contract, there are also some test utils that help you generate mocked data. Below is a test example that mocks a transfer event, sends it to the processor, and verifies the result :

import { TestProcessorServer, firstCounterValue } from '@sentio/sdk/testing'
import { mockTransferLog } from '@sentio/sdk/eth/builtin/erc20'

describe('Test Processor', () => {
  const service = new TestProcessorServer(() => import(processor.js'))

  beforeAll(async () => {
    await service.start()

  test('check transfer event handling', async () => {
    const resp = await service.eth.testLog(
      mockTransferLog('0x1e4ede388cbc9f4b5c79681b7f94d36a11abebc9', {
        from: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        to: '0xb329e39ebefd16f40d38f07643652ce17ca5bac1',
        value: 10n ** 18n * 10n,

    const tokenCounter = firstCounterValue(resp.result, 'token')

To test entities insert/updated during processor events, simplely access the store through service.store and retrieve your entites back for testing.

test('data is upsert', async () => {
    await service.eth.testLog(
      mockTransferLog('0x1e4ede388cbc9f4b5c79681b7f94d36a11abebc9', {
        from: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        to: '0xb329e39ebefd16f40d38f07643652ce17ca5bac1',
        value: 10n ** 18n * 10n

    const from = await server.store.list(User)
    assert(from.length == 2)

Run test

Sentio test is based on Node Test Runner, which require node version >= 22.

Most simple way is to run test with

yarn sentio test

If you want to do fine control, do

yarn tsx --test 'mytest.test.ts'

If you want to use IDE such as Webstorm, it's same as norm Typescript project, just need to make sure three things

  • Newest Webstorm (older version doesn't support native Node test runner, recommend: >= 2024.3.1.1)
  • Make sure Node version for IDE is right
  • Make sure typescript test loader is tsx instead of ts-node

E.g. first configure Node version:

Then, click the test icon in IDE's side bar and then click Modify Run Configuration.

Change Loader to tsx, everything else should be filled correctly

Click apply and then you can trigger the test using "Run Test ..." or "Debug Test"