
Events are defined with the event keyword in EVM smart contracts. When the defined event is called, the event is emitted. Here is an example of emitting one of the Uniswap Events.

emit Swap(msg.sender, recipient, amount0, amount1, state.sqrtPriceX96, state.liquidity, state.tick);

Sentio allows users to trigger processor for a specific set of events


Blocks are batches of transactions with a hash of the previous block in the chain. This links blocks together (in a chain) because hashes are cryptographically derived from the block data.

Sentio allows users to trigger processor for every sampled blocks.


Transactions are cryptographically signed instructions from accounts. An account will initiate a transaction to update the state of the Ethereum network. The simplest transaction is transferring ETH from one account to another.

Detailed TBD

Call Trace

Any smart contract execution begins with a transaction initiated by an external account. In turn, the smart contract can interact with other contracts or make transfers. These activities are not recorded in the blockchain. A smart contract, for example, can airdrop tokens (i.e. send free tokens) to a group of users, but this activity is not recorded in the blockchain as a transaction. For such activities, the contract can choose to emit events, which can then be viewed in the logs. Otherwise, the only way to observe them is to monitor the traces.

View function

View functions ensure that they will not modify the state. A function can be declared as view. The following statements if present in the function are considered modifying the state and compiler will throw warning in such cases.

Here is one example.

 function totalSupply() public view returns (uint) {
   return this.balance;